On Saturday morning we found a taxi and we went to an area on the edge of town where you can get an out of town taxi. We took a ride up the National Route 1 which will eventually connect Pointe Noire and Brazzaville (the capital). The road that has been redone is in great shape, but unfortunately, that does not last for long. Mboukou is only 30 miles by road from Pointe Noire but It takes 1.5 hours to get there. Village life is very different than city life. The pace is more relaxed; you might say too relaxed. Our objective was to visit the church there and to get a feel for church planting outside the city. It is our only village church in this area. There are other villages where we could plant churches but we don’t have pastors who want to serve outside the city. Leadership is crucial for any new works so we are investigating ways to train leadership for the future churches in the surrounding villages.
Village life is very different than city life. We were in Mboukou during some of the World Cup matches and missed the US vs. Ghana game. The village does not have electricity but some people have generators, TV’s and satellite dishes. You can watch the World Cup if you pay admission. We tried to rent a TV and DVD player to show the Jesus film but there were none available because of the World Cup. We will try again in the next few months before the rains come.