Monday, December 28, 2009


Joyeux Noël et Bonne Année

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!! We will soon leave these beautiful snow-covered mountains of the French Alps for our new home in the Republic of Congo. We successfully finished our French language study and are preparing to leave January 10 to fly into Brazzaville. We will be getting an orientation into the country there then going on to Pointe Noire where we will live. Our daughter, Andrea, is here in Albertville for Christmas and is having a great time enjoying the snow, the mountains, and the good food. It is such a treat for us to have her. We have spent much of the holiday with our new French friends and with some of the students who are not able to go home for Christmas. Drea has quickly remembered her French and is communicating well in the language. Pray for our adjustment as we change cultures, climates, and ministries. We depend upon your prayers.

May God bless you as we celebrate the coming of his Son and our Savior, Jesus.

Wyman and Carma Nelson